Attention Parents: Reminder that today was the last day to turn in updated immunization records. If your student has not received their needed vaccines or we do not have an updated record, your student cannot attend school starting tomorrow. Please refer to the letters and emails that went out in August notifying you of the immunizations your student needs. Once records have been received, they may return to school. An immunization clinic is being held at the school on Friday, Sept. 8th. If your student is signed up for the clinic, they may remain at school. Sign up for the clinic by contacting the Cass County Health Dept.
over 1 year ago, Archie School District
Vaccine Requirements
JV Football will only play 2 quarters tonight at Appleton City. For the most up to date information, check our events tab on the app and website.
over 1 year ago, Mr. Bridges
schedule change
The Jh Volleyball season kicks off tonight @Butler. Games start at 5pm vs Butler and at 6pm vs Miami. Let's Go Whirlwinds!
over 1 year ago, Brian Tenholder
We are loving our new app! Access documents, news updates, and even emergency notifications, right from your pocket. Download for Android: Download for iPhone:
over 1 year ago, Archie R-V School District
download the Archie R-V App today!
September's Elementary Family Newsletter is ready for you! Important dates, friendly reminders, and other information can be found in this month's Smore.
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Stroud
Smore Newsletter
Archie Whirlwinds are winning on and off the field! Some of our junior football players greeted students as they entered the building on Friday. The team brought home a win against Appleton City last night! Way to go Whirlwinds! #ArchieStrong
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Stroud
greeting students
welcoming two students
Jrs welcome students
It is not too late to join PTO! Membership provides you opportunities to be a part of classroom parties, service projects and special events with your student. You can now join online by using the link below.
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Stroud
PTO membership
Congratulations to the Students of the Week! These students were chosen to celebrate with Mrs.Stroud at lunch. #ArchieStrong
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Stroud
Student of the week
There's a vacancy on the Board of Education. See attached document for complete details.
over 1 year ago, Archie R-V School District
Board Vacancy
Board Vacancy
Do you have a child that is not yet in Kindergarten? If so, Archie welcomes you to join the Parents as Teachers, PAT, program.
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Reynolds
PAT Flier
Head on out to Appleton City tonight to support the 1-0 Whirlwinds. It's the Missouri 8 Man Game of the Week.
over 1 year ago, Sports Management
vs Appleton
Mrs.Short and Mrs. Sharlene's class spent time talking about feelings and emotions in the preschool class. Ms.Lyn joined in too! #ArchieStrong
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Stroud
Student on carpet
Happy face
friends and feelings
So happy
making sad face
Meet Quinn! We are announcing a therapy animal program. If you do not want your child to participate or have interactions with the therapy dog, please notify the Archie School District at 816-293-5312 (Ext 101) by September 8, 2023.
over 1 year ago, Archie R-V School District
Meet Quinn
Kindergarten-5th grade Breakfast with Grands is next Friday, September 8th. Please be sure to return the RSVP by Thursday, September 7th. Please have $3.00 cash for grandparents (exact amount, change will not be available). Doors open at 7:30 a.m.
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Stroud
Grandparents Day Invitation
Staff members are enjoying purchasing items from the Archie General Store. The Square IPad system is a convenient way for students to keep the store up and running! #ArchieStrong
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Stroud
Students selling items
Meet Archie's PAT Educators!
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Reynolds
New PAT Educators
Come out tonight for Volleyball's home opener game against Lone Jack! C Team @ 4:30 p.m. JV @ 5:00 p.m., Varsity to follow.
over 1 year ago, Sports Management
vs Lone Jack
Mrs. Ferguson's Advanced Film Class has been busy writing and filming a skit for our new Calming Space.
over 1 year ago, Mr. Bridges
Advances Film Class
Advanced Film
Advanced Film
Reminder fall sports pictures are today after school, please see the online order form with a QR Code to order pictures.
over 1 year ago, Archie R-V School District
Fall Sports Pictures
Archie FFA receives Living to Serve Grant! With those funds, the Food Science class along with the Physical Education program established an onsite Nutrition Studio which offers supplemental nutritional options for students to access before, during and after the school day.
over 1 year ago, Mr. McIntire
Boys stocking Nutrition Studio
Packaging food for Nutrition Studio