
We are excited to announce the grand opening of Archie Elementary School’s new and improved playground! The playground officially opened on Thursday, September 12th at a ribbon cutting ceremony. Archie’s PTO started researching, fundraising, and applying for playground grants approximately four years ago when a need was identified to update all our recess facilities for student enjoyment and enhanced safety. Throughout this process PTO has purchased a new swing set, soccer goals, playground balls and replacement parts for the existing playground equipment.  Since this endeavor began, the majority of PTO fundraising efforts have gone towards this amazing playground. Alicia Cornell, Jennifer Dishong and Serethenee Thomas were charged with creating a three-phase plan to get this project rolling. The highlight of all their work so far has been the grand opening of our new equipment this week. Students are already loving all the new features, and they’ve got a new astroturf surface underfoot to keep things comfortable and safe!

 I would like to thank the PTO board, Archie School Board and Dr. Wityk  for making this dream come true for the students and staff at Archie Elementary.  Thank you to the teachers, parents, and community members who have supported our fundraisers, joined PTO and donated other funds towards this project. Thank you to TC Fuller Construction for the demolition of the equipment that was nearly 40 years old. Thank you also to Miracle Recreation, Ozark Mountain Installation, and SynLawn for working closely with us on this project.  We’d like to give special shout outs to Jeremy Pettett, Brock Sears, Curtis Thompson, and our custodial and maintenance staff for helping unload the equipment in the rain. Western Material also provided machinery to help with the project, so a big thanks is owed to them as well.  Without the help and support of these individuals, we would not be able to see our schoolchildren enjoying the new and improved playground. The PTO continues to raise funds to help the district with this financial commitment and to work towards completion of phase three.       #ArchieStrong-Mrs.Stroud